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Oil and Gas

AEROAEON UAVs are getting used in the world most capital-intensive industries like oil and gas. Since the oil and gas industry operates according to stringent standards, frequent inspection and maintenance are crucial to ensure safety and avoid failures. But current methods of inspecting involve immense cost, great risk and shutting down of operations leading to great losses. So, with the engagement of UAVs, CX and DX series will be transforming the way inspections and maintenance of assets such as well sites, pipelines, storage tanks, and offshore platforms. We are engaging our DX and CX technology at every stage of petroleum production – from fast and accurate surveys to inspection of hard-to-reach areas saving a significant amount of time and costs.

Our DX and CX series UAVs can be employed effortlessly around flare stacks, oil rigs and along miles of a pipeline of monitoring of leaks or gas emissions, detecting spills, corrosion, heat spots and improve safety by eliminating the need for human intervention. Data from our systems are more accurate and provides trends undetectable by the human eye. Our technology can save millions of dollars for the oil and gas industry by improving on-site safety and reducing maintenance costs.